Belongings was the inaugural show produced by C-O-G, a Dublin based art collective.
The exhibition was a site specific response by members of the group to No.74 Glasnevin Ave.

This home was until recently inhabited by Peggy Deery, an elderly lady and an avid collector of domestic belongings. Whilst the range of work was diverse in execution each piece sought to address the house as museum, archive and depository through an examination of place, collection, and memento. Murnaghan made four pieces for this exhibition.
The official c-o-g site may be viewed by clicking the image below.

home contact




Title 1: Dermatology

Materials: Wallpaper from Peggy Deery's attic.





Title 2: Of course, that was before I met you.

Materials: Two bar electric heater, MDF fitted wardrobe / vanity unit, mirror and heat.



Title 3: All things know.
(Pop video staring a collection Peggy Derry's ornaments / statues)

DVD installation on Peggy Derry's B+W T.V.




Title 4: All things go.

Materials: Book and brass ornament.